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Dada Tutorials


See the About page for more information. Also, you have to pretend that all the code examples are editable and runnable, with live IDE tooltips and so forth. =)

Gradual ownership

Dada is a gradual, ownership-based language. Let's unpack those two things:

  • Ownership-based: Dada leverages the concept of ownership to ensure that (a) your memory is freed at the right times, without any garbage collection and (b) your parallel programs are data-race free.
    • If you've used Rust, Dada's ownership system will be familiar, but keep in mind that there are some key differences between them. (If you've not used Rust, don't worry, we don't assume any prior knowledge in this tutorial.)
  • Gradual: Dada lets you smoothly transition from an interpreted, dynamic language (similar to Python or JavaScript) over to a statically typed, fully optimized one (similar to Rust). You can even mix code written in the two styles.

Dynamic Dada tutorial

This tutorial covers the dynamic flavor of Dada and use that to introduce the concepts of ownership and the like. Once you've gotten familiar to that, the Typed Dada introduces Dada's type system and shows how you can use it to check that your Dada code is free of permission-related errors. Let's get started!

Typed Dada tutorial

Not yet written.